Job opportunities
Every year the Sleeman Centre offers a wide variety of seasonal job opportunities – from hospitality to food and beverage services and on the floor event operations. Seasonal part-time job opportunities are advertised in late July or early August for the upcoming hockey season. A broad range of skills are required to fill the part-time roster each year, and some positions require specific qualifications.
Food and Beverage Services
Part-time positions for suites include hostesses, cooks, bartenders and servers. The restaurant employs part-time line cooks, dishwashers, bartenders and food servers. Concession servers and cooks are also required.
Part-time operations positions include rink attendants. There are no available positions at this time.
Event Services
Part-time event services positions include ushers, ticket takers and licensed security staff. There are no available positions at this time.
All interested candidates can apply, by email at