
We’ll help you create a set-up to best suit your event.

• Large-scale concerts
• Special celebrations
• Major business events

AEG Concerts


Acqua Salon BLO V


Annual Remembrance Day Ceremony (Photo Cred: Guelph Today)


Craft Beer Festival


Guelph Nighthawks Basketball


OFSSA Wrestling Championships


U of G Winter Homecoming


CCVI 50th Anniversary


Circus Spectacular


CHL Top Prospect Game


Budweiser TV Commercial

UGDSB Youth Empowerment Day


CHL Canada Russia Series


Capital One Grand Slam of Curling


2K10 Wii Commercial


UofG Landscape Architecture Dinner


Monster Madness Monster Trucks




Live Nation Concert


KIA Cup Curling


Pro Force Boxing


Special Olympics 


John F. Ross Graduation


Hillside Festival


CheerSport Chompdown Competition 


Dance Competition 


Canada Cup Wrestling

CNPL (Pickelball) Tournament